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Christopher P. Brown
Publisher: Advantage Publishing Group
Pages: 374

Do you feel ⚠ anxious ⚠ about sending your child to kindergarten? Are you looking for ideas on how to PREPARE YOUR CHILD for kindergarten? Somewhere along the way, someone or something has made you question whether or not your child is ready for kindergarten. And now your are wondering, ★★ “Is my child ready?” ★★Or, even possibly, ★ ★“Am I ready to send her/him to kindergarten?” ★ ★And while you’ve sought out the advice of family members, friends, or even an educator or administrator, you’ve ended up with very different answers to what is actually a very simple question.You’re stuck in the Readiness Trap! The trap is that first sense of doubt you have as a parent about whether or not your child is ready for kindergarten. Once that doubt enters your mind, you’re caught. You find yourself constantly wondering whether or not your child is ready for school. What was once a question you ...
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5 stars from 14 ratings