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Paul Bellow, LitRPG Reads
Publisher: LitRPG Reads
Pages: 282

Fun New LitRPG Book w/Lots of TwistsBeer, Buds, and Beards…In the year 2042, Aaron Maxim creates fully immersive virtual reality LitRPG Experiences in the Cloud. His latest creation, Therion Online, contains a unique character class - the Ale-Chemist. As he gets ready to launch his latest project, forces beyond his control take him in strange new directions. He is trapped inside Therion Online with his memory wiped, playing the Ale-Chemist character class he created. Can he and the friends he meets along the way solve the mystery before it’s too late. Follow along as Aaron learns more about the popularity of LitRPG and why beer, beards, and buds are the most important thing in the universe. This is a Creamy LitRPG novel of approximately 80,000 words.
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 27 ratings