Greetings, readers! Now that Amazon has disabled its popular ebook lending feature, we're more committed than ever to helping you find the best ways to borrow FREE or save big on the Kindle books that you want to read. Kindle Unlimited and Amazon Prime Reading offer members free reading access to over 1 million titles, including Kindle books, magazines, and audiobooks. Beginning soon, each day in this space we will feature "Today's FREEbies and Top Deals for Our Favorite Readers" to share top 5-star titles that are available for KU and Prime members to read FREE, plus a link to a 30-day FREE trial for Kindle Unlimited!
Kathy Dee
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 16

Kindle Book Promotion that Gets Results!There was a time when, with a bit of careful targeting, you could simply publish a book in the Kindle store and get some traction. With comparatively little competition in the early days, some people quite literally managed to become successful authors overnight.So first, the bad news: those days are long gone!But there is a way for almost anyone determined to do so, to succeed as a self-published author. It is not a quick or easy route to success by any means, but it is a surefire method by which you can become successful, and in this special report, we are going to discuss how you can do it too!.
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5 stars from 3 ratings