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Gianni Franco
ASIN: B09272KY9P
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 433

Frank Stark has many demons, all of whom are fraying his sanity one day at a time. This dark and twisted psychological thriller delves into his mania. A horror narrative lending the reader a rare, macabre glimpse, if they dare to read.Excerpt: "The birds no longer whistle. Love equates hate. My dreams are all nightmares. The sky is no longer blue. If there’s no other side, then to sleep forever will be better than to stay awake for one more minute in this life. I am the Alpha and Omega."Stark documents his daily activities in this macabre memoir, unveiling the incomprehensible inner workings of a psychotic mind. The average, rough-and-tumble sergeant from Rochester, New York seems to be in control during the day, but as night arrives he spirals deeper into an abyss. His voices had been quelled for years until he encountered a transient at the local pub. The series of events that ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 15 ratings