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Alix Lee
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 87

Book Two of The Taiwan Experience trilogy, Democracy Takes Root, follows on from the first in The Taiwan Experience trilogy, The Seeds of Democracy.The e-book version of Book Two: Democracy Takes Root, like Book One, is divided into three parts. This e-book, The Ethnic Divide, is the first part of Book Two.Book Two I originally scheduled to be published in 2020. However, at that time I knew nothing of the coronavirus whose pandemic was to have such an impact on life almost anywhere in the world. Taiwan was lucky enough to escape the fate of many countries around the world; we have not been badly hit by the virus here. But unfortunately my work is largely depended on circumstances overseas, so I had very little work in 2020. Survival was the theme of 2020, and I didn’t have much time available for writing. Now I’m writing again, but I’m very much aware that many of those people who read ...
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