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Danny Lenihan
Publisher: Broken Earth
Pages: 336

The year is 2250. Earth faces apocalypse, and the future of mankind rests in the Bertram Ramsay Space Station. Home to 9 million souls, but not all of them are friendly.The Acolytes of Gaia are a formidable foe to the men and women charged with Earth’s evacuation. Their murderess intent; to see Earth is destroyed, and mankind with it.Jaxon Leith enters Compression, a three-month internment camp where he will learn to live and work in space. Within days he’s drawn into a fight against humanity’s extinction, as hostile infiltrators threaten certain annihilation.ROGUE is a dystopian David versus Goliath. A compelling tale of resilience and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. ENEMY, the follow-on novel is coming September 2024.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 22 ratings