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Tyler Sweet
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 70

Want to plan an exciting meal for the day for your kids?You have found the right cookbook! Here are 30 kid’s favorite recipes. Make all these recipes at home with easily available ingredients and enjoy the chilling day at home.For kids, food is something that excites them and makes their day special. Whether you are cooking pasta, baking a cake, or spreading jam over the toast, everything is loved by them.Encourage your child to enjoy some mouthwatering and delicious recipes at home. This cookbook helps you make easy recipes with minimal effort. We know that your kids can’t wait for too long, so no worries!There are easy to make and quickly ready in minute’s recipes like peanut butter balls, pastina soup, mac n cheese, rainbow salad, waffle fries, and Easter punch that uses only 4-6 ingredients.Try some sweet recipes like chocolate popsicles, apple pancakes, cake pops, and crème egg ...
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4 stars from 4 ratings