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Patrick LeClerc
Publisher: Ink and Bourbon Publishing
Pages: 628

Emelia DuMond is an actress, her skill at adopting and changing her identity lifting her from her humble beginnings to success on the stage of Victorian London. And to the attention of the Ghost Society, a secret organization who work to defend the world from threats of the paranormal. After centuries of seeking, the sinister Disciples of the Void have obtained an arcane book of great power. A power that could tear the veil between dimensions and plunge the world into a dark, unspeakable future.Now she has recruited an aging soldier of fortune burdened by a conscience, the sword wielding daughter of an Afghan brigand and an airship whose captain escaped slavery during the Civil War by stealing a Confederate vessel.Can Emelia and her band of plucky outcasts save the world from a cult of fanatics intent on unleashing an ancient horror?“The Beckoning Void” is a tale of cunning plots ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 8 ratings