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Auriel Roe
Publisher: Dogberry Books
Pages: 293

At midday on the last day of August, Sedgewick, the new history master, arrives at Blindefellows, former charity school for poor, blind boys, now a second division private school for anyone who can pay. The naive newcomer is quickly taken under the wing of the rumbustious, philandering Japes, master of physics, who soon becomes something of a mentor, though not in an academic sense. A Blindefellows Chronicle follows the adventures of Sedgewick, Japes and a handful of other unmarried faculty at an obscure West Country boarding school including the closeted headmaster, Reverend Hareton, stalwart Matron Ridgeway and loathsome librarian, Fairchild.'A sprightly, inventive novel, rich in amusing characters and situations. I enjoyed every word of it.' Tony Connor, Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 52 ratings