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Brandon Grisham
Publisher: Amazon
Pages: 268

Imaginary friends, lucid dreams and living nightmares. The joys of living ‘alone’.Cameron Hale never expected to interact with an imaginary friend again. He soon finds that doing so in adulthood leads to heavy bouts of anxiety and a fear for his own sanity.Thrust into a stint of court-mandated psychiatry, Cameron is forced to recognize the growing chaos in his life. His imagination has become tangible, seeping its way into most situations. What starts as flickering lights shifts into confusing instances of dissociation and malfunctioning electronics. Bouts of paranoia and depression start to impact his failing business and strained relationships. Exasperated by the instability, Cameron’s former imaginary friend returns to haunt his subconscious.Cameron knows that his distinction between fantasy and reality is becoming muddled. That strange phenomena starting to follow him only draws ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 2 ratings