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Dalton Theo Smith
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 193

A Highly Sensitive Artist. A dream to be a fiction author. A narcissistic father. A battle for freedom. Matthew Highbridge, a highly sensitive and creative person, yearns to publish a Christian novel.This gentle individual conceals his remarkable talent from the world because his adoptive Pastor Grant Highbridge, a narcissistic, controls and manipulates him.Matthew is willing to go to great lengths to gain the approval, admiration, and affection of Grant Highbridge. As a result, he divides his time between working at Grant's mansion in the morning, attending church in the late afternoon, and serving at the family restaurant from 4 to 6 pm. Even after hours, he takes on the role of a janitor at Grant's engineering company.Grant stumbles upon Matthew's manuscript and discovers his passion for writing poetry and novels. Instead of recognizing and encouraging the gentle soul, he belittles ...
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