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Matthew Goods
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 118

Champagne is a go-to drink for celebrating but did you know that while you may not cook with it very often, it makes an excellent ingredient for all sorts of recipes?What's more, you don't have to reach for the most expensive bottle on the top shelf. The best option is to use a middle-of-the-road type of Champagne. Better yet, just because the bubbles have fizzled out doesn't mean you can't use it; as for some recipes, even leftover flat Champagne works well.From boujee breakfasts to elegant entrees and appetizers to decadent desserts and classy cocktails, December 31st is National Champagne Day which means it's time to break out the bubbly!And there is no better way to add prestige to your New Year party than by enjoying our 40 festive fizz recipes.So, pop the cork, get in the festive spirit and check out these sparkling sweet and savory recipes and cocktails and raise a glass to ...
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5 stars from 2 ratings