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Kelly St. Clare
Publisher: Independently Published
Pages: 267

What do jazz pixies, siren celebrities, and three hundred disastrous dates with supernatural men have in common?Me.I’m Cerys. And at twenty-two years old, running a paranormal dating agency with my bestie and living in the magical society of Nepos is an amazing life.Not gonna lie though, it’d be better with a little action. Kissing, maybe? A one-armed hug? Heck, after three years, I’ll take a man touching my bedsheets. Or would if this curse didn't 100 percent block me from romance.When my ‘extinct’ brand of magic explodes in the presence of true love, the off-the-charts sexy but infuriatingly bored Detective Devereaux gets involved. And let me tell you, ladies, there are m-u-s-c-l-e-s under his long coat!So I’m cursed and dodging the law and trying to put more love in the world each day. And now some creep is digging up heart elemental bodies.Seriously. How is it only Monday?If you ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 2,820 ratings