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CA. Ashish K Agrawal
Publisher: unknown
Pages: N/A

"Foreword by CA. (Dr.) Girish Ahuja Pages : 336 Contents : Contracts Act 1872, Sale of Goods Act 1930, Partnership Act 1932, Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008, Companies Act 2013 The main features of this book which make it better than other books, are :- 1.All the topics have been presented in a tabular form (no paragraphs have been used) which make it easier to read and understand. 2.Diagrams for most of the topics have been given in this book. This makes it very easy for the students to understand and remember the contents. 3.All the concepts have been given pointwise which makes reading very fast and easy. 4.This book gives conceptual clarity of the law. 5.This book not only helps in scoring very good marks in exam, but also in using the law in the practical world.
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 14 ratings