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Elle James
Publisher: Twisted Page Inc.
Pages: 264

Former Navy SEAL, Stone Jacobs, with help from Hank Patterson’s Brotherhood Protectors launches a mission to rescue his team of mercenaries stranded in Afghanistan after US withdrawal.Undercover as a journalist, international assassin, Kyla Russell is performing her last assignment in Afghanistan. She baulks when she discovers her mission is to kill a man who doesn't deserve it. Kyla wants out of the business, but her handler would rather see her dead than let her go. Trapped by the Taliban with a team of mercenaries, her only way out is to allow herself to be swept into a daring rescue by a sexy former Navy SEAL. The mercenaries and Kyla are transported back to the States and rehomed in Yellowstone.With his team of former SEALs turned mercenaries, Stone sets up a Yellowstone division of Brotherhood Protectors at his father’s lodge in West Yellowstone. Struggling with his attraction to ...
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5 stars from 3,345 ratings