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Charles River Editors
Publisher: Charles River Editors
Pages: 157

Some historians have called the Seven Years’ War the first true world war, and they make a good point. In Europe, an alliance of Great Britain, the German state of Hanover (the ruling house of Britain was from Hanover) and Prussia fought a series of battles against an alliance of France, Austria and Russia, with the occasional involvement of some other European powers such as Sweden and Spain. The war was also fought in many other parts of the world, including in India, West Africa and the Caribbean, where both the French and the British had colonies. In addition to the fighting on land, battles were fought between ships on the high seas, and these naval battles were generally won by the British, who boasted the 18th century’s best navy. Ultimately, this globally coordinated war involved five continents and at least 29 states and tribal confederacies, with a casualty toll in the ...
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