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Seth Alexander
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 436

A surge of anger billowed through Ted like a shock wave. His right eye began to twitch, and his heart pounded even harder as he remembered the quote, "Never wrong your enemy so much they're forced to seek revenge."All he wanted to do was retire, but they took that from him. Took her, from him. Suddenly a flash of insight blasted through his mind like a searing bolt of lightning. He knew what he had to do. An explosive madness for revenge dominated his thoughts like a rocket-powered locomotive. He was going to make them pay one way or another, and that was after he got his money.~~~~Follow Alex Brennan as he tracks a rogue insider through places few people have heard about.Then go further into places most insiders don't even know exist!~~~~Rewire and Run -- A navy spy story about secrets, love, betrayal, loss, revenge, and death.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 2 ratings