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Donald W. Desaulniers
Publisher: Donald W. Desaulniers
Pages: 161

Some love stories spring forth through circumstances so unlikely that they seem almost predestined by Fate. Young Canadian attorney Darryl Corbett leaves his well-paying job at a London, Ontario law firm and goes in search of a better life without eighty hour work weeks. A bizarre detour forces Darryl over to the American side of the border at Niagara Falls where a chance meeting with a gorgeous Norwegian girl propels Darryl into a delightful romance. Will Darryl find that elusive happiness with this mysterious Scandinavian beauty? ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Donald W. Desaulniers is a quirky Canadian lawyer who has penned more than 115 novels since his retirement in 2009. Please check out his Author Page on Amazon for details about each book (and the Author Pages for his two pen names "Lance Majestik" and "Durward Garbage."
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 5 ratings