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Mell R. Bright
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 246

The universe holds no secrets for Captain Allan Roy and his crew of space scavengers. They have traveled to most occupied territories and to the confines of the Rim. Or at least, that's what he thought until the day they land on a remote planet called R-607 for what was supposed to be an easy job. In the remnants of an abandoned scientific expedition, they find a teenage girl, Kala, surviving alone.Rescuing orphans isn't on Allan's resume but the hell with it, it will not take too much of a detour to drop her off on the next civilized planet. So they take her on board of their ship, La Capricieuse, not suspecting that it will be the start of their greatest adventure. Kala is a never-seen-before mutant. And thanks to La Capricieuse, she is now free to roam the Milky Way.CAPRICIOUS is an action-packed space opera that will leave you asking for more.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 2 ratings