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C.S. Dodds
Publisher: Cedar Hill Book Group
Pages: 279

She escaped a serial killer and disappeared.But escape was only the beginning.Now she’s facing a killer she’ll never outrun.For Cameron Cooper, a former FBI analyst on the run from a notorious serial killer, life in hiding is far from peaceful. When she's recruited by the New York Police Department to help solve a string of gruesome murders, Cameron must confront her fears and delve into the mind of a cold-blooded killer. But as she gets closer to the truth, she realizes that her past may not be as far behind her as she thought, and she finds herself at the mercy of a monster who haunts her past and threatens her present.In a race against time and her own memories, Cameron must delve into her traumatic past and untangle the twisted web of lies and deceit that surrounds her, before a killer can strike again.Fractured–The Stealth Stalker is a gripping psychological crime thriller with a ...
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4.5 stars from 194 ratings