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Clare Smitham
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 104

These 40 best TGI Friday copycat recipes are just as good, if not better than the originals. But don't take our word for it; check them out for yourself. They are easy to make using easy-to-source ingredients. Even newbie cooks can recreate some of the dishes and drinks that made TGI Friday a household name.Let the good times roll not just on Friday but every day of the week when you treat your family and friends by serving up some ultimate comfort TGI copycat recipes, including:• Broccoli Cheese Soup• Fire Bites• Fried Green Beans• Cajun Chicken Pasta• Grilled Salmon with Whiskey• JD Whiskey-Glazed Sesame Chicken Strips• JD Whiskey Sauce• Beer Cheese Sauce• B-52 Shooters• Barnamint Baileys• Long Island Iced Tea• Oreo Cookie Ice Cream SandwichesFrom lite bites and mains to sauces, dressings, and salsa to desserts and drinks, make every day a cause for celebration with 40 best TGI Friday ...
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5 stars from 3 ratings