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Clare Smitham
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 93

There is no need to stand in line or wait at your local Taco Bell drive-thru with these 40 copycat Taco Bell recipes. Now you can enjoy the best sweet and savory dishes and drinks without leaving home.Here, you will discover all your favorite go-to fast foods, including burritos, quesadillas, tacos, nachos, and more. And better yet, you will also find many different copycat Taco Bell sauces to ensure your dishes taste just as good if not better than the originals.What's more, when you prepare the copycat Taco Bell recipes, you won't need any hard-to-source ingredients. You will already have lots of them in your store cupboard.Check out the copycat Taco Bell recipes, and very soon, you will be tucking into sauces, seasonings, lite bites, mains, sides, desserts, and drinks from America's favorite fast-food chain.So if you're planning a relaxing night in, the copycat Taco Bell recipes will ...
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5 stars from 3 ratings