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Thrity Umrigar
Publisher: Algonquin Books
Pages: 366

From the bestselling author of The Space Between Us comes a powerful story about family secrets, a mother's power, and the importance of forgiveness. When Remy Wadia left India for the United States, he carried his resentment of his cold and inscrutable mother with him and has kept his distance from her. Years later, he returns to Bombay, planning to adopt a baby from a young pregnant girl—and to see his elderly mother again before it is too late. She is in the hospital, has stopped talking, and seems to have given up on life. Struck with guilt for not realizing just how ill she had become, Remy devotes himself to helping her recover and return home. But one day in her apartment he comes upon an old photograph that demands explanation. As shocking family secrets surface, Remy finds himself reevaluating his entire childhood and his relationship to his parents, just as he is on the cusp ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 2,393 ratings