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Matthew Hussey
Publisher: Harper
Pages: 269

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERUSA TODAY BESTSELLERINTERNATIONAL BESTSELLERAn essential set of tools and principles for healing your heart, finding love, and loving life.Finding love can be hard. Being single can feel even harder. In Love Life, world-renowned coach and New York Times bestselling author Matthew Hussey provides a practical roadmap for letting go of past relationships, overcoming the fear of getting left behind, and finding the love we want.Sometimes it feels like life and love are working against us. Just finding someone we like can be a struggle. Even when we do, we often find they’re not ready, or they want different things. Then there are the internal fears and anxieties that lead us to self-sabotage—that make us indulge the wrong behavior in others, hold back from expressing our needs for fear of losing someone, or overinvest in people and lose ourselves in the process. ...
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5 stars from 879 ratings