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J. Kenner
Publisher: Oliver Heber Books (November 26, 2023)
Pages: 338

"J. Kenner knows how to deliver a tortured alpha that everyone will fall for hard. Saint is exactly the sinner I want in my bed." Laurelin Paige, NYT bestselling authorHis touch is her sin.Her love is his salvation."I went into this story thinking that J. Kenner could not create a better place than Stark World. … But boy was I wrong. From the very first interaction with Devlin the reader becomes instantly aware of the character's power and grace. With a plot that kept on changing and an awesome connection between Ellie and Devlin, J. Kenner has once again proved her writing skills with masterful storytelling." - The Overflowing BookcaseCharismatic. Confident. Powerful. Controlling.A brilliant investor with a Midas touch, Devlin Saint turned a modest inherited fortune into billions and now operates one of the world's foremost international philanthropic organizations. He's a man ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 1,353 ratings