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Natasha Madison
Publisher: (September 6, 2024)
Pages: 399

From Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Amazon Bestselling Author Natasha Madison comes new a small town, single dad, surprise baby romance.When a hockey princess takes a trip to the south and two pink lines change everything!From the spin-off of Southern Sunrise & This Is Wild.ZaraThe day I picked out my wedding dress is the day I found out my fiancé was cheating on me.After that, I needed an escape.A distraction to take my mind off what a mess my life was.It was supposed to be a one-night thing.Then it turned into more.We knew going in that it was for two weeks.Then, two pink lines changed everything.GabrielI thought I had the perfect life.I had an amazing son, and I was running the family bar.But all that changed the day she walked in.She was gorgeous and funny all wrapped into one.It was temporary, we both knew that.She's a city girl. I'm a cowboy.But I fell in love with her and ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 3,541 ratings