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John H Thomas
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 348

His name is Maxx. One X isn’t enough for a guy this dangerous.Maxx King is a former Army Ranger turned cybercrime investigator trying to get his life back on track when he has an unexpected confrontation with a ruthless Chinese spy. Struggling to understand the escalating violence, he discovers a clandestine US-China conflict centered around a device of unknown origins with the power to trigger massive natural disasters.Caught between competing US government agencies, Chinese assassins, secret informants, and a rising number of deaths, Maxx must get to the truth before the next catastrophe strikes. Things get personal when it turns out his girlfriend, Gabby, has been working on the covert project and may be the source of damaging leaks that threaten national security.The clock is ticking, and a break in the code reveals that something big will happen on September 11th, 2001.Thunderbird ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 30 ratings