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Annie Diamond
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 335

New friends, second chances, and secrets threatening to shatter her fresh start...Haunted by a near-fatal mistake that ended her nursing career, Darcy Wells accepts a new job at the quirky Sunset Hotel on the sandy shores of Connecticut. But secrets from her past threaten to wreck the second chance she desperately seeks.Despite their fiery clashes, Darcy is drawn to Elias Bennet, the enigmatic owner fighting to save the hotel from his ruthless sister. As their connection intensifies, so do threats from Darcy’s manipulative ex-fiancé, who is determined to destroy Elias, upset the fiercely loyal elderly residents—the Troublemakers—and ruin her life again.Now Darcy must make a heart-wrenching choice: let her past define her future, or confront her deepest fears and risk everything—putting Elias, her new found family, and the hotel itself in jeopardy.This feel-good women’s fiction saga ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 42 ratings