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Amanda M. Lee
Publisher: WinchesterShaw Publications
Pages: 289

Moonstone Bay is in a tizzy. Not only has a new village been discovered—it was hidden by magic for hundreds of years—but family members long thought dead are back and infiltrating lives that had changed in their absence.It is not all smooth sailing.Hadley Hunter is trying to keep things under wraps but she’s as excited to explore the village as anybody. There’s just one little problem. How did a body make it into the village when it was magically warded to keep people out?A local shifter is dead and Hadley and her merry band of paranormal powerhouses are on the case. She thought the village had given up all of its mysteries. What if she was wrong, though?Hadley’s dreams are being haunted, her future uncertain, her friends in turmoil. Is it an old enemy coming back, or is someone new—someone terrible—on the horizon?Hadley is about to find out. She’s not going to want to hear the answer. ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 911 ratings