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Tanya Dransfield DHP(Adv)
Publisher: Xone Publishing
Pages: 198

The Anxious Attachment Recovery Handbook offers a powerful approach to overcoming anxious attachment. With a foreword by Andrew Mercer, a registered clinical psychotherapist, the book provides expert insights and practical strategies. Andrew highlights Tanya’s deep professional expertise, noting that her work 'offers the reader a genuine opportunity to tackle this issue head-on.' This book is an invaluable resource for those struggling with anxious attachment or seeking to support a loved one.Written by a psychotherapist with 25 years of experience, this book includes self-reflection and self-assessment exercises at the end of each chapter to help you recognize unhelpful triggers and patterns in your relationships.You’ll also receive two bonus audio tracks:1. 8-Hour Sleep Transformation Track: This track helps you build self-esteem, boost confidence, and overcome anxious attachment ...
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5 stars from 5 ratings