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Dr. Sharon Schmitt
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 78

If you feel overwhelmed by the demands of work, family, and life, or you struggle to set boundaries, or maybe you’re just curious to know what it’s about and how it could possibly help someone, here’s what you need to know:Women today face immense pressure to handle work, family, and self-care. Without healthy boundaries, stress and burnout become an inevitable part of life. But what if you could finally say "no" without guilt and find the peace you deserve?In the Neuroscience of Boundaries Workbook, you'll discover simple, science-backed steps to help you set healthy limits, manage stress, and improve your self-care in just 12 weeks. Designed specifically for women, this guide is your path to an assertive, balanced life (With techniques that can also work for Men).INSIDE, YOU'LL DISCOVER AND LEARN HOW TO:Break free from being overwhelmed by understanding the neuroscience behind stress ...
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