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Raven Fontaine
Publisher: Indie Pen Press
Pages: 226

The Shattered Crown: A Kingdom on the Brink. An Heir in Hiding. A Mage Torn by Duty.In the once-thriving kingdom of Aethoria, darkness reigns. The tyrannical Vanguard controls the land with an iron fist, crushing rebellion under its relentless march. But hope endures in the whispers of a hidden heir, a fugitive named Lyra, whose very blood pulses with a magic tied to the heart of the land itself.Lyra never asked to be a queen. She only wants to survive, to master the raw, untamed power threatening to consume her. But destiny won’t wait. When her path collides with Darius—a brilliant but disillusioned Vanguard mage—their choices will ignite a rebellion that could either save their kingdom or doom it forever.Caught between opposing sides, Lyra and Darius must navigate treacherous alliances, forbidden feelings, and the ancient secrets of Aethoria’s magic. From the enchanted forests of the ...
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