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Publisher: 2Taverns Media
Pages: 871

Today he was going to die… finally.But death is just the beginning of his problems.Dubbed the Unnamed Rogue Mancer, this Level Zero Custodian is about to learn just how sucky NOT dying really is… Stricken with an incurable disease, his only hope is to join the ever-evolving game of Havenspire as a NPC custodian.Cleaning the endless Spires is better than the endless darkness, right?But then again, darkness doesn’t punch you in the face. Expecting to emerge into sun-kissed meadows of Havenspire, Unnamed wakes in the gladiatorial Blood Pits of the game’s underbelly.That wasn’t on the brochure… and what’s more, he can’t remember his name. Determined NOT to die, Unnamed must learn to harness the power of his Custodian Class (and his strange and highly illegal affinity to bloodmancy) to survive. He might not remember his name…or anything about himself for that matter…but everyone in Haven ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 21 ratings