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Nicola Sanders
Publisher: (February 9, 2023)
Pages: 292

It seemed only five minutes ago that Richard went to the station to pick up Chloe, and now they were here. I was so excited. Finally, I would meet my stepdaughter for the first time, and Chloe would meet her baby sister Evie.Richard was over the moon that his daughter wanted to come back into his life. ‘You’ll love her,’ he'd said, beaming. ‘She’s very sweet. She just had a wobble about me marrying again, but that’s over now.’Well, she was going to find out she had nothing to worry about. I’d been fantasising non-stop about the two of us becoming close. I had visions of us baking together while Richard was at work, chatting about her boyfriends, her studies, what kind of job she’d like to do...Anyway, let’s just say things haven’t quite worked out that way.Whenever we’re alone, Chloe makes it clear that she hates me. But in front of her father, she’s a perfect little angel. Richard says ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 65,535 ratings