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Kennedy Layne
Publisher: Kennedy Layne Publishing, Inc.
Pages: 289

Prepare yourself for an exciting clash of intellects as two powerful opponents face off in USA Today Bestselling Author Kennedy Layne’s latest gripping thriller within the Touch of Evil series…Lorelei Jameson, a woman of wealth and mystery, strides purposefully through the doors of S&E Investigations with a mixture of desperation and determination. A year ago, tragedy struck when her younger sister met a horrific end. The cause of death was heinous and unmistakable: a clear, plastic bag had been wrapped around the young woman’s head, effectively suffocating her. Now, an eerie sense of déjà vu grips a prominent town as news spreads of another victim succumbing to the same merciless end.Former FBI consultant Brooklyn Sloane agrees to take the case. However, local authorities bristle at the involvement of a private firm muddling their investigation. Brook and her team are met with even ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 280 ratings