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Daniel Carson
Publisher: Daniel Carson Books
Pages: 254

WELCOME TO THE BAKING SCHOOL BAKERYWhere the food is delicious, the people are nosy, and murder is always on the menu. Delaney Dodge has it all. Her bakery is thriving. She teaches baking lessons at night. She's landed a big deal with a New York publisher for a cookbook. And the most eligible bachelor in town can't stop flirting with her.But all of this is threatened when Delaney finds a dead body early one cold January morning.The most respected businessman in town has been murdered, and the evidence points to one of Delaney's oldest and dearest friends. And with a local county attorney looking to make a name for himself with a high profile arrest, time is running out. So Sheriff Maggie Duckworth, understaffed and overextended, asks Delaney Dodge a question that will change the course of the young baker's life.Are you as good at solving crimes as you are at baking desserts?Join ...
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5 stars from 289 ratings