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Sonya Bateman
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 322

From bestselling author Sonya Bateman comes a shocking psychological thriller.I was twelve when I watched her die in the woods. No one believed what I saw. Until now.We finally found her. And now, I get to investigate her murder.But first, I have to catch a serial killer…Detective Preston Clarke, recently promoted to the only female detective on her town’s force, has been waiting twenty years to solve a murder that only she believes happened. But when the girl’s body is found, she’s already neck-deep in a more recent, crucial case.An active serial killer has moved into her town. He’s already claimed one victim, and there will be more.Preston is determined to handle this on her own, to prove herself, but her boss has other ideas. The department has hired an expert who worked on the serial killer’s original case—and he’s transferring into town to be Preston’s partner.It’s not the start ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 843 ratings