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Meghan Quinn
Publisher: Hot-Lanta Publishing, LLC (January 7, 2025)
Pages: 460

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Meghan Quinn comes a new forced proximity, single dad romantic comedy. This steamy, laugh out loud, enemies-to-lovers, small town standalone romance delivers the perfect happily ever after.What does one do when they completely blow an interview?If you're me, you pick up a one-night stand with the most gorgeous man you've ever seen.. That's right, after a lousy interview that could have changed everything for me, I headed over to the local small town bar to sulk when the one man I shouldn't want walked in. And when my friend convinced me to take him back to my hotel room, I didn't think about it, I just did it . . . well, I did him.It was an unforgettable night, but I didn't stay for breakfast. Instead, I got out of there and tried not to think about him again.Everything was fine until I received a call from the interviewer saying I ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 2,179 ratings