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Debbie Macomber
ASIN: B00851M3V0
Publisher: Avon
Pages: 236

From a #1 New York Times bestselling author, a sweet romantic novella about two cats who bring a divorced woman together with her handsome neighbor.Lacey Lancaster always longed to be a wife and mother. However, after a painful divorce, she just wants to lay low in her charming San Francisco apartment with her beautiful Abyssinian cat, Cleo.Everything would be wonderful if it wasn’t for her impossible neighbor, Jack Walker, who argues day and night with his girlfriend . . . and whose cat, Dog, is determined to get Cleo to succumb to his feline advances. And when Lacey discovers that Cleo’s in the family way, she’s furious that neither Jack nor his amorous animal seems terribly upset about it.But things aren’t always what they appear. Jack’s “girlfriend” is really his sister—and his intentions toward Lacey are quite honorable (though she’s not sure about Dog). And out of the blue, Lacey ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 404 ratings