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Jeffrey Poole
Publisher: Hungry Griffin Publishing
Pages: 1057

The ultimate epic fantasy collection! Every Bakkian Chronicles title bundled together in this one omnibus.The Prophecy (#1)Griffins, Dragons, and BNPs (Bugs of Nightmarish Proportions). Who knew? It seemed harmless enough. See a mysterious door and step through to see what happens, right? Now stranded in a magical kingdom, husband and wife search for a way home. However, enlisting the aid of the king and queen has given them their biggest shock yet: Royal Babysitters.Some days it didn't pay to get out of bed.Insurrection (#2)Add one magic-stealing goblet, half a dozen dimwitted trolls, and one conceited wizard. Next add one kidnapped member of the royal family, one concerned son, two bodyguards, a soldier, and an adolescent griffin. Throw in a pinch of green dragon. Mix well and you will have yourself one fantastic action-packed fantasy adventure set in the magical kingdom of Lentari! ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 29 ratings