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Lenora Worth
Publisher: Tule Publishing
Pages: 230

Annabelle Castle is a rebel without a cause…until her stepsister, the head of the glamorous Castle Department store, offers her the chance of a lifetime. Too bad the opportunity to finally play a role in the Castle's future comes with strings attached—the man who gets under her skin. Former cop Johnny Darrow is head of security for the Texas-based Castles. He excels at his job and nothing gets to him...except Annabelle. Even as he dragged Annabelle out of many public relations disasters with the paparazzi, he knew there was so much more to her than the headline-grabbing, rich girl. Now that she's matured and determined to turn over a new leaf, he finds her irresistible. She's smart, creative, and makes him feel things he hasn't after a personal tragedy. When Johnny's assigned a job as Annabelle's bodyguard, he must push his feelings aside. Can Johnny keep his focus to protect Annabelle ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 394 ratings