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Publisher: Joffe Books crime thriller and suspense
Pages: 213

MEET JOHNNY SILVER IN THIS PULSATING THRILLER. HE’S AN EX-MERCENARY WHO WANTS TO SEE JUSTICE DONE. WHATEVER IT TAKES . . . AND THAT USUALLY INVOLVES BREAKING A FEW THINGS.Johnny Silver's brother, Carlo, the head of an investment bank, disappears along with ten million euros.DON’T MESS WITH HIS FAMILY.Johnny, an ex-mercenary on the run, is persuaded to come out of hiding to track him down. The trail leads Johnny into the world of gambling, prostitution, drugs, and human-trafficking to a crime that shocks the core of a man who thought he’d seen everything.Sometimes even the most cynical man discovers something that shakes him.WITH A PLOT THAT TWISTS AND TURNS AS IT MOVES AT A DAZZLING PACE, MERCENARY IS A STORY NOT TO BE MISSED.Perfect for fans of Mark Dawson, Frederick Forsyth, David Baldacci, J.B. Turner, and Rob Sinclair.PRAISE FOR PAUL BENNETT:“Crisply written, it moves at a good ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 2,806 ratings