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Annie Dyer
Publisher: (September 23, 2021)
Pages: 326

Her heart is not up for negotiation…Noah Soames needed to get married, only there was one small problem – he didn’t have a suitable contender to be his wife.Until a few glasses of red wine later, and I’d volunteered for the position. He was charming, wealthy and panty-melting gorgeous, which meant that this small favour should be no problem.Shouldn’t it?A twelve-month deal and we’d separate as friends, nothing messy, no tangled emotions and definitely no difficult divorce settlements. I could find out if married life was better than my single, career-focused one, and see if I was really missing out, and at the same time put an end to the horrendous blind dates my friends kept setting me up on.It’s the perfect solution. Isn't it?It should be. Until my heart gets involved, and I have to decide whether it’s time to re-negotiate the terms of our agreement.But will Noah sign on the dotted ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 2,408 ratings