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David Barbur
Publisher: Cougar Rock Press
Pages: 272

When a frightened mother asks woodsman and tracker Tye Caine to find her missing son, he can’t say no.The search takes him deep into the wilderness of the Cascade Mountains, where he finds a group of people who want to live a wild life. The only catch is one of them might be a killer.If that wasn’t complicated enough, he sees visions of people he knows are dead.Soon he finds himself on the run with no gear, no supplies, and no options. That’s familiar territory for Tye, but this time he’s terrified that any mistake will cost him the woman he loves.If you couldn’t wait to finish Primitive Weapons, if you binge-watch survival shows, if you love a good mystery with a hint of the supernatural, buy Wild Mind today.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 1,151 ratings