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Emma V Leech
Publisher: (September 29, 2023)
Pages: 337

From the highly acclaimed , award winning author of the Girls Who Dare and the Daring Daughters, Emma V Leech, comes the exciting new series about the sons of the Girls Who Dare, Wicked Sons.Their mothers dared all for love...Their sisters did the same.What will the sons do for the women they love...A Wicked Son…Tall, dark and handsome, ridiculously wealthy, and the heir to a title. With so many blessings in his life, for this Wicked Son there is very little point in being anything more than ornamental. Or at least… that is what everyone believes, but this man has a secret. For a man in his position, if anyone discovered he is the mysterious author of The Ghosts of Castle Madruzzo, it would make him a figure of ridicule.His first novel was a tremendous success, and though his sales are excellent, he is aware he has never quite recaptured the dynamism of that first book. His readers ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 784 ratings