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Jacklyn Hyde
Publisher: (March 23, 2024)
Pages: 372

A runaway bride. A grumpy 600-year-old vampire pretending to be human. A disaster waiting to happen.What could possibly be the most infuriating thing to a vampire disgusted by the internet? A twenty-six-year-old social media influencer that just ran out on her cheating ex fiancé and insists on staying in Vlad’s quiet castle.But he needs money to repair his ancestral home, and Aubrey needs a place to lick her wounds after getting her heart broken.He is ready to have humans invading his space. He is not, however, ready for her.She wants to feed him garlic, parades around in tiny shorts, and incenses him at every turn. Can he really play house with a human? Especially one he just can’t seem to fight the urge to stay away from?The Holiday meets Dark Shadows in this “grumpy sunshine” romance.This is a spicy paranormal romcom featuring the grumpy/sunshine tropes.
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5 stars from 0 ratings