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Rhiannon Hargadon
Publisher: HRS Books
Pages: 324

Liars, Murderers, and Thieves: The Prince of Darkness is looking to hire.Petty thief Malinda Castan cares about one thing: saving enough money to leave the Nightingale, a house of cutpurses and unsavory characters, so that she can have a normal life. She lives under one rule: reciprocity - a life for a life, favor for favor. So when the Prince of Darkness saves her from being killed, and offers her one last job that will pay more than she could earn in a lifetime, she says yes not only for the money... but because she owes him.The Prince of Darkness is fire and ice. Cunning, and willing to do whatever it takes, he only wants one thing: the Eternal Slumber, the mask of Death. A prisoner in his own castle, the Prince of Darkness has been learning dark magic as a way to protect himself and his people from the cruelty of their Queen... with limited success.To steal the mask, she’ll pose as ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 53 ratings