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Talia Beckett, Jess Mountifield
Publisher: LMBPN Publishing
Pages: 292

The world is guarded by dragons. Lurking in the shadows and keeping out of sight, they keep evil at bay.The Dragon Protectorate assigned Artemisia to protect Earth from the corruption, a hive-like race that infect every living being they touch. Hidden from Earth and the corruption, she stands guard over humanity.Her magic and skills as a dragon are the only line of defense stopping the relentless horde from taking over the planet and wiping out every living creature. She’s done her duty faithfully, watching humanity grow and flourish with only the sphynx, Matraphiel, for company. All her life, she blended in, disguised as a human to fight the enemy.Until the day everything changes.The corruption steps up the attacks, putting Artemisia under immense pressure to fulfil her duty as protector.Can she defend a whole planet alone? Or will she need help from someone who’s faced the corruption ...
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5 stars from 125 ratings