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Shain Rose
Publisher: Greene Ink Publishing, LLC
Pages: 401

A tantalizing, fake relationship, standalone billionaire romance from USA Today bestselling author of Between Love and Loathing, Shain Rose.As my best friend's brother, Dex Hardy has always been my downfall.Older, forbidden, and completely irresistible.Our paths were never supposed to cross, but they tangled irrevocably during those summer nights where we exchanged forevers and I love yous under the stars.In secret.He knew it had to be that way.Yet, he betrayed our relationship the moment he made it public. So I left him brokenhearted in order to save us both.Years later, to help my family financially, I signed a six-month contract to perform within the Black Diamond Resort and Casino. It should be easy.But Dex Hardy is now the cold, ruthless billionaire tycoon who owns it.And he wants revenge.When he finds out I have a ring on my finger, he makes his own deal with me:Leave the man I'm ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 2,695 ratings