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Neva Altaj
Publisher: Neva Altaj
Pages: 372

NERAIn a night of blood and death,Fate brought us together.I thought I was saving the life of an innocent man,A man I'd never see again.I was wrong.A slight shift in the air.A glint of silver eyes in the darkness.I may not see him, but I know he's there.My angel of death,Lurking in the shadows,Watching over me.Protecting me,Before disappearing into thin air,Until we meet again.A man who took a bullet for me,But he won't touch me,Love me,Or even share his name. KAIDarkness. Pain. Blood.It's all I have ever known.An empty shell of a human being,No heart. No soul. No dreams.Surrounded by death,I was a dead man walking.But then, her light shone through my darkness,Breathing life into my dead soul.My fearless tiger cub,My only reason to keep living.Every time I have to leave her in the light,My black heart breaks and bleeds,As I retreat to the shadows,Where I belong.I cannot change the ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 5,860 ratings